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prepared to fit in your week

Gender or/and age groupe based Training plan

It doesn`t metter, woman or man of any age


Calculate avalable time and pick up Ready to go plan!

Gender and/or category is a very important factor in structuring training plan as our physical capabilities change with years and are different between men and women. Gender or category based plan is similar to weekly hours based training plan except it take into account characteristics of men or women and /or category and is based on available time each of us have on weekly bases We all have very different schedules and obligations (work, school, family etc.).

good design gives best results

When designing an weekly hours based training plan we consider gender, age, predicted training history, goals and time limits to suit diferent sport profiles, from beginers to advanced athletes.

Smart choices

It is smart to make a good consideration on amount of time we have available for training and take into account our age and recovery! Situation where we plan to do more training than realistically is possible leads to demotivation when week after week you end up with 90,80,70% or even less of a training plan accomplished.

how it goes

What you get with weekly based work?

We create TrainingPeaks™ Basic account for you if you don`t have one (for the time of cooperation with us). / extra 15€

Hourly based training plan for chosen time period 1-6 months

day to day structured and detailed workouts for chosen period

workouts based on hart rate or power zones

We have available 6-8h, 9-12h, 13-15h plans all based on power meter or heart rate zones for men and women of a different age group.

Equipment requirement

Measuring device: Power meeter or Hart rate monitor compatible with TrainingPeaks upload

Check compatibility